Sunday, May 18, 2008

What's happening.....

It's been a few days so I will try to get everyone caught up on what's been happening....
We walked into Ha Tinh today (Cam Thach Province). It was The hottest day so far. At best I would say I felt like I was walking through concrete. At one point I felt like fainting...really sick but our group covered at total of 50 kilometers. Now I will rewind to the last couple days:
May 16: walked with Doc and Bao Anh and several of Bao's friends who joined the walk for the day. We walked through her village and many people knew her, the walk and were happy to shout encouragement along the way. Despite stomach issues which really made the walking difficult, I survived and my mood improved and I was lucky to get better very quickly. Some of the others have not been as lucky. By the way, there was monkey on the menu that day (seriously).
We covered 24 miles that day and my dead snake count reached 24.
The van was taking 2 of the others ahead to find a place for the night and they were hit by a motorcycle, which happened to belong to a cop. The van was confiscated, needless to say(!)
We were stiopped while walking by a man and he took us across the street to meet his son, who is affected by AO. The father fought in Da Nang and this is his only child. The kid was very sweet and better off than most of the ones we have met. We gave him our email addresses and he wants to try to contact us. We did not give any donation to him because there are so many more severe cases we will see.
We heard that we were on the news again and it was cool to hear because the days are hard and it keeps us going. The mosquitos are horrible and sometimes it's worth just staying in the room at night to avoid them. The next day (17th) we walked through an especially difficult area. Difficult in that I have finally found the Vietnamese that really still have a lot of resentment toward Americans. It was a rough day, alot of weird energy in the villages, alot of pretty bad comments. I try to remember where this is coming from and I don't let it bother me so much. We bombed this area so heavily so I can only imagine what the people who lived through it, and lost family to it, feel when they see us or hear us talk. Some of the elderly people even look scared at times. War.
We walked through beautiful country...along the base of mountains called "long Mountain". There were water buffalo in the river, brilliant green all around. I walked with Bob, Salem and Phuc. I think Phuc is getting some beautiful images for his film. Their is more and more excitement building as we get closer to Hanoi. We reached Ky Anh and were all very tired. Other than the drunk man beating on my door in the middle of the night, I slept really well. No dead snakes today.
So now I go sleep and walk again tomorrow. The temp today was 109 and probably will be tomorrow. We heard of 2 AO kids (very young, 8 and 10) that we will visit tomorrow morning. Tomorrow I will be able to put some new pictures out for everyone.
In the meantime, I miss you all and I fixed the blog so you can now comment, so please try again!


Unknown said...

Dearest Karla...God Bless you. I sure miss you. Your journey is amazing. Hang in there. Wow, you are sure my hero. I am so proud of you. Things are going well here. I hope you continue to do well. I know you will. Love you, Gina

greenpond said...

Hi sugar ..this is your old dad who finally put two and two and two together and hopefully I have clicked the right things and am writing to you. My ignorance of computer things is compounded by a wireless mouse that isn't working. Mom and I are awfully proud of what you are doing and we are impressed with your writing...didn't know you could be a journalist or author.

Thngs at home are going along about as they should...some aches and pins,some good things, some not too good, maybe rain maybe snow...I have had a dose of shingles on the back of my hed and neck but it hasn;t beeen too bad...otherwise no complaints. Mom is fine and cheerful as usual, sending you tons of love and wonder at how much and how well you are doing.. We'll be going to Britt's graduation thursday and then down to the beach for Memorial day ..right now the weather is really fine...hope it stays this way.

If there is any real news, I don't know it, and I won't bore you with verbage...we love yo very much and are bursting out in pride over what you are doing...we were able to mak a small donation the other day and hope it helps. Love and hugs from mom and your father...they both love you and pray for you...take care honey....Dad

Unknown said...

fo fo on an amazing journey. "counting snakes" sounds like the name of a rock back. i miss you so much and went and ate of vietamese pancake in your honor. i will have to take you to this place when you return. so proud of you.... lov gosheen...

Unknown said...

fo fo on an amazing journey. "counting snakes" sounds like the name of a rock back. i miss you so much and went and ate of vietamese pancake in your honor. i will have to take you to this place when you return. so proud of you.... lov gosheen...

Kelli said...

Wow...what an amazing adventure. Jason brought me your web address and I have been addicted to it. It is really sad the things we take for granted. Reading your posts puts my life's little bumps into perspective. You are a strong woman. I am sure you are finding inner strength you did not know you have. You are doing all the things I wish I had the courage to do. Have a safe trip home...Kelli Little